James Dargan


Aspiring Data Scientist

Seattle, WA
Python, SQL, R

Actively searching

Pandas, BeautifulSoup, Requests, Plotly, Dash, nltk, Sklearn, Keras
Regression, PCA, Time Series, Trees, RFs, SVMs, Boosting, Neural Networks

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Interactive Visualizations with Plotly (Repo)

Project Component: After collecting data on state averages on the SAT and ACT exams for the graduating classes of 2017 and 2018, I utilized Plotly to generate informative maps comparing these states.

My Medium Blogs on This Project:
Visualizing SAT & ACT Averages
Participation Rates Skew State Averages
Opt-In Bias Drives SAT & ACT State Averages
Estimating Classroom Impact on State Averages

Plotly Homes:
SAT Rankings by State
ACT Rankings by State
Participation Rates and Average Scores

Primary Takeaway: States with policies or cultures which favor near or universal participation on the ACT and minimal participation on the SAT tend to rank at the very top for SAT average and very low on ACT average. A similar pattern holds in the opposite scenario.

Next Project Page: Predicting State Averages